Getting started with AI: Years 5-6

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

STEMLinc video conferencing: How do machines know what they know?  Gain a deeper understanding that intelligence goes beyond simple storage of knowledge.  Build an interactive device using open-source software.  Ecolinc joins forces with Liberty Science Center in New York for this video conference. (Image: Prateek Saxena)

Year Levels: 5-6

Duration: 50 minutes

STEM in a box: No

Background Information: 

Today, everyone can build chatbots with visual drag and drop bot editors. You don’t need coding skills or any other superpowers.  Making your own chatbot is actually very fast and easy. And did we mention that it is going to be fun too? Gain a deeper understanding that intelligence goes beyond simple storage of knowledge.

Prior Knowledge:

No prior knowledge is required.

Learning Intentions:

In this program students will:

  • evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem
  • reason abstractly and qualitatively
  • examine a system, consider how each part relates to other parts and redesign it for another purpose


In this video conference students will:

  • interact with the expert educational presenters live from Liberty Science Center USA
  • explore what machine intelligence means
  • create a simple chatbot using a open source platform

Victorian Curriculum:

Science – Science as human endeavour

  • Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to inform personal and community decisions and to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives (VCSSU073)

Digital Technologies – Data and information

  • Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information

Digital Technologies – Creating digital solutions

  • Develop digital solutions as simple visual programs

IMPORTANT:  Cancellation Policy

  1. When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite.  Save this carefully please.
  2. Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
  3. Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking.  That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.
  4. Schools who cancel tickets for this internationally provided event (giving Ecolinc less than 2 weeks notification) will incur a $100 cancellation fee. 

Feel free to contact us if you would like a session specially scheduled for a minimum of 4 classes 

Term Date  Book here