Royal Tyrrell Museum Live Tour
STEMLinc Video Conference: The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology is Canada’s only museum dedicated exclusively to the study of ancient life. In addition to featuring one of the world’s largest displays of dinosaurs, they offer a wide variety of creative, fun, and educational programs that bring the prehistoric past to life. Ecolinc has established a working collaboration with the Museum for this live guided tour event. (Image: Royal Tyrrell Museum)
Year Levels: 3-6
Duration: 45 minutes
STEM-in-a-box: No
Background Information: Take a tour of the Royal Tyrrell Museum without leaving your classroom! During this interactive virtual visit, we’ll guide you through our galleries and exhibits. Marvel at creatures from ancient seas, explore Dinosaur Hall, and discover how life carried on after the asteroid impact that marked the end of the Age of Dinosaurs.
Prior Knowledge:
No prior knowledge is needed but a pre/post activity guide tailored for particular Year Levels can be accessed here Tyrrell Virtual Tour__TeacherGuide_Activities_
An answer key to the activity guide is available here Tyrrell Virtual Tour__TeacherGuide_AnswerKey
A teacher’s guide including the program format and relevant vocabulary for students can be accessed here Tyrrell Virtual Tour_TeachersGuide_VirtualVisit
Learning Intentions:
In this program students will:
- Explore dinosaur remains from the easily recognisable herbivore Triceratops, to the giant Camarasaurus, and the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex
- Investigate the mass extinction 66 million years ago, in which all non-avian dinosaurs perished, mammal populations increased and expanded into an empty ecological niche
- Gain a stronger, broader understanding of the history of life on Earth
- Understand that ecological time is divided into bigger and small amounts, to help scientists understand the different periods in Earth’s history
- Learn more about different types of animals and plants that lived on our planet
In this program students will:
- Observe a variety of prehistoric skeletons and learn what distinguishes them
- Engage in questions and answers with an expert from the Museum as they move through the halls
Victorian Curriculum:
Science – Biological sciences
- (Levels 3-4 ) Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things. (VCSSU057)
- (Levels 3- 4) Different living things have different life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive (VCSSU058)
- (Levels 5- 6) Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (VCSSU074)
- (Levels 5- 6) The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (VCSSU075)
IMPORTANT: Cancellation Policy
- When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite. Save this carefully please.
- Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
- Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking. That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.
- Schools who cancel tickets for this internationally provided event (giving Ecolinc less than 2 weeks notification) will incur a $100 cancellation fee.
Date and Time | Ticket available | Booking link |
Term | Lesson Date/time | Click to book (Note 1 ticket = a class of 25 students) |