CATEGORY: Primary, F-2, STEMLinc

Australian Animal Adventures

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Explores the diversity of animals that live in your local area.  Look for the clues that are left behind to discover more about these amazing animals.  Students will look at local animals living in their backyards and find out what they can do to protect them.  This video conference is presented in collaboration with Australian Environmental Education. (Note: ZOOM platform only) (Image: Karen Player)

Year Levels: P – 2

Duration: 1 hour

STEM in a box:

Downloadable resources here.

Background Information: 

Lots of animals live in our backyards.  Some are nocturnal, some leave their footprints, others build their nests and burrows.  Make students more aware of animal activity in their local environment.

Prior Knowledge:

No prior knowledge is required.

Learning Intentions:

In this program students will:

  • learn about classifications in the animal kingdom
  • identify habitats and apply geographical tools for inquiry based learning
  • develop knowledge of sustainability practices and interactions between people, places and environments


In this video conference students will:

  • classify vertebrates and invertebrates
  • identify habitats, scats, tracks and traces
  • engage in field work practices and observations
  • interact with the presenter live from Australian Environmental Education

Victorian Curriculum:

ScienceBiological Sciences

  • Living things have a variety of external features and live in different places where their basic needs, including food, water and shelter, are met. VCSSU042

IMPORTANT:  Cancellation Policy

  1. When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite.  Save this carefully please.
  2. Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
  3. Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking.  That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.

Date and TimeTicket availableBooking link

Term Lesson Date/time Click to book (Note 1 ticket = a class of 25 students)
1 March 11th 12 pm Book here