
Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

STEMLinc Video Conference: Bug catchers grab your nets!  Our very special guest, Tasmanian Entomologist, Shasta Henry will lead these engaging sessions. Get up close and personal with some fabulous insects to appreciate and explore the scientific concept of life cycles.  Students will learn that different animals have different lifecycles and that environmental factors can affect these life cycles.’ (Image: Shasta Henry)

Year Level: 3 – 4

Duration: 1 hour

 STEM in a box:

You will receive hands-on printed materials and a teacher guide for this session.

Background Information:

More than one million different species of insect have been described to date. They are the most abundant group of animals in the world and live in almost every habitat. Insects have lived on earth for more than 350 million years. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity.

Prior Knowledge:

No prior knowledge needed.

Learning Intentions:

In this program students will:

  • Explore the lifecycles of a number of insects  and their relationships to their respective environments
  • Notice and wonder about the observable features of insects


In this program students will:

  • Observe a number of Shasta’s favourite insects and bugs and learn what distinguishes them
  • Explore the stages of the lifecycles of two very different insects
  • Draw along with Shasta to complete an insect lifecycle
  • Make a 3D diorama of the butterfly lifecycle

Victorian curriculum:

Science – Biological sciences

  • Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things. (VCSSU057)
  • Different living things have different life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive (VCSSU058)

IMPORTANT:  Cancellation Policy

  1. When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite.  Save this carefully please.
  2. Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
  3. Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking.  That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.
Date and TimeTicket availableBooking link
Term Lesson Date/time Click to book (Note 1 ticket = a class of 25 students)
1 March 20th 12 pm Book here