CATEGORY: 3-4, 5-6, STEMLinc

Turtle Connections

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

STEMLINC Video Conferencing: Marine Turtles are long-lived, slow growing and late maturing.  This virtual visit takes students to the Reef HQ Aquarium Turtle Hospital that provides a dedicated facility where sick and injured marine turtles can be cared for and rehabilitated.  Turtle Connections provides a fun, educational and interactive introduction to the world of Marine Turtles and the conservation of these endangered species.  Presented by experienced marine educators, participants go behind the scenes to visit our turtle hospital, meet the patients and learn how they are cared for.  Student interaction with our presenters is encouraged and questions welcomed throughout the session. Despite protection marine turtles face a number of threats:

  • Fishing nets, lines and hooks –Please take all your fishing tackle home.
  • Boat Strikes – ‘Go slow for those below’ and keep an eye out for turtles.
  • Litter – Turtles and other sea creatures mistake it for food.
  • Plastic Bags – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

This program is by ZOOM only. (Image:Copyright Commonwealth of Australia (Reef Authority)) 

Year Level: 3 – 6

Duration: 45 minutes

STEM in a box:

No. Teacher resources are available here:



Background Information:

A reef is a ridge of material at or near the surface of the ocean. Reefs can occur naturally.  Natural reefs are made of rocks or the skeletons of small animals called corals.  The Great Barrier Reef is home to some of the most fascinating marine turtles in the world. Reef HQ Aquarium is situated on the GBR and is very experienced in the delivery of VC programs to school students. 

Prior Knowledge:

No prior knowledge required

Learning Intentions:

In this video conference students will:

  • Investigate elements of the turtle life-cycle
  • Develop an awareness of the greatest conservation threats facing our turtles
  • Learn about the interdependence of turtles living on the reef


In this video conference students will:

  • Virtually visit the turtle hospital with an opportunity to ask staff individual questions.
  • Hear about facts and details about turtles on the Great Barrier Reef delivered by a Reef HQ team member and supported with images, video clips and interactive questions.
  • Have access to supporting materials for pre- and/or post-event study.

Victorian Curriculum:

Level 3 – 4

Science – Biological Sciences

  • Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (VCSSU057)
  • With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge (VCSIS065)

Level 5 – 6

Science – Biological Sciences

  • Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (VCSSU074)
  • Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs and can be affected by human activity (VCSSU093)

IMPORTANT:  Cancellation Policy

  1. When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite.  Save this carefully please.
  2. Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
  3. Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking.  That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.
Date and TimeTicket availableBooking link
Term Lesson Date/time Click to book (Note 1 ticket = a class of 25 students)
2 April 23rd  10 am  Book here
2 May 3rd  2pm Book here
3 August 2nd 2pm Book here
3 August 7th 12pm Book here
4 October 31st 10am Book here
4 November 19th 12pm Book here