VCES: The Science of Climate Change
Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series: The Science of Climate Change has been designed for Years 5-6 high-ability students. Ice-Core Scientist Chelsea Long (Australian Antarctic Division) has worked in conjunction with members of the Ecolinc team to develop this exciting hands-on workshop. The workshop follows an opening Q&A session live from New York’s Liberty Science Centre. What climate secrets do ice cores hold from Earth’s past? How can we interpret data to understand climate change? Students will engage with their own ice-core model in this workshop! Students will take a 15-minute break between the workshop and the opening session. (Image: Chelsea Long)
- For this workshop, teachers will be posted the necessary STEM-in-a-box materials to create frozen ice-core models, one for each group of 4 students. (This is a very easy process.)
- Students will also have one homework task to complete and bring to the session.
There are limited numbers of tickets available. Only ONE ticket of up to 25 high ability students per school for each event.
NOTE: Rural and regional students will be a priority in the event of large booking demand.
2025 Program Flyer: Download here. 2025_VCES-The-Science-of-Climate-Change-Flyer[1]
How to book your group
- Book your students into either of the two morning sessions NOT both.
- Tickets can be booked using the link below (NOTE: one ticket is for a group of up to 25 students)
- Download and complete the attached ‘Student_details’ spreadsheet Student_details and email this through to ecolinc@education.vic.gov.au
After your booking is confirmed
Please download the parental invitation and student nomination forms and distribute these to the families of the students.
IMPORTANT: Cancellation Policy
- When you book you will receive an automated message from Eventbrite. Save this carefully please.
- Any cancellations need to be received in time for STEMLinc to re-sell your tickets to other teachers.
- Please use the Eventbrite confirmation email to facilitate any cancellation of your booking. That will automatically release your ticket for re-sale on our system.
Date Booking link
November 19th 2025 10.00 – 12.00 Book here
November 20th 2025 10.00 – 12.00 Book here